Listing and share information
OCI N.V. is listed on Euronext in Amsterdam and began trading on 25 January, 2013. OCI N.V. is a constituent of the AMX-Index, the index for mid-sized companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam.
Primary listing
Incorporation | The Netherlands |
ISIN Code | NL0010558797 |
Common Code | 087808963 |
Full Listing | Euronext Amsterdam |
Currency | Euros |
Ticker | OCI |
Total shares outstanding | 211,357,989 shares |
Voting Rights | One vote per share |

Wednesday 29 May 2024
Upcoming Events
OCI N.V. (the Company) invites its shareholders to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the General Meeting), to be held on Wednesday 29 May 2024 at the Conservatorium hotel, Van Baerlestraat 27, 1071 AN Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Corporate Governance
We believe that a good corporate governance structure supports our business, meets the needs of our stakeholders, and aligns the interests of management and shareholders thereby maximizing the profitability and long-term value of the company for shareholders.